Managing your homes temperature with a heat pump is very different to how you would do so with a fossil fueld system. Read on to learn more about heating your home effectively with a Heat Pump!

Heat pumps are not suited to providing big boosts of heat like gas boilers are. If you are new to living with a heat pump, you will most likely need to re learn your patterns for controlling the heating "on demand".
It is recommended to increase your temperature demand by small increments over a short period of time rather than regularaly increasing and decreasing the temperature by large amounts.
The reason for this is so that we avoid demanding that the heat pump runs at extremely high power as this would reduce its efficiency. Smaller increments would demand less exertion from the heat pump and therefore less energy used.
In contrast, gas boilers operate best at high loads, where "on demand" is the norm. Often times customers upgrading from a gas boiler to a heat pump, and who expect "heat on demand" in the same way they did with an old boiler system, can mistakenly believe that there is a glitch somewhere in thier system. When in fact, it is purely a process of learning how to gain and maintain the most ambient living conditions in your home using your new system.
For example, leaving a heat pump to run throughout the night (rather than switching the heating off at night as you might with a gas boiler) is far more energy efficient and cost efficient. Although this may feel counter intuitive, it is simply a case of relearning habits. The key thing to remember is that heat pumps perform best at a moderate, continuous pace.
Installed and run properly with an energy efficient home, heat pumps can offer great comfort – and reduce heating costs. Replacing an old gas boiler with an air source heat pump would save on heating bills, but may compare poorly to replacement of brand new, very efficient gas boilers. Yet almost all cases, heat pumps can help save a huge amount of carbon.
Heat pumps are a lot more efficient when they run in combination with systems like underfloor heating or specially designed oversized radiators that produce enough heat to warm the space without needing to run at hot temperatures.
When consdiering a Heat Pump we highly recommend that users read up on the best ways to operate heat pumps to ensure that you get the most out of your new heating system from the get go!
Our project managers will talk you through all of the things to consider when planning your project with you, and our installation team will handover to you with a tutorial on how to use the system and make the most our of your new energy saving renewable technologoy.

More and more customers are inspired by the energy crisis to make the most of the governemnts Boiler Upgrade Scheme.
As well as being envirvonemntally cleaner, replacing your old boiler with a renewable source of heating, such as an Air Source or Ground Source Heatpump, will improve your homes energy consumption and save you money in the long term.
The BUS (Boiler Upgrade Scheme) is the perfect opportunity to save money whilst transforming your property into a more energy efficeint home. Contratry to the name, you do not need to be replacing a boiler, and you can even be a self build new home, as long as you are leaving behind fossil fuels for a renewable solution, you will be eligible for the grant.
To find out more about making the most of the BUS contact us today for a no obligation chat, where we will be able to give you cost predicitons on what your property could save being heated by an Air Source Heat Pump or Ground Source Heat Pump.